Monday, May 31, 2010


The past eight months have been an adjustment for our family. Many of you know that Alex was transferred to the International Flight Department at work. He has been traveling on and off since last October, both overseas and in the states. His international trips usually take about two weeks to complete. With him being gone, there have been some tough and lonely times, but it has also helped me put life into perspective. This shift in schedule has definitely made us value family time. It's probably been good for me learn to not be such a planner, and be more flexible. Alex is such a good daddy and husband, and always takes time when he's home to be totally "home."

The last two weeks he hasn't had a trip for work, so he's been back at production test working pretty normal hours. The word margin comes to mind, becuase I have had actually had some in my life while he's been home. I didn't realize what a juggling act the last months have been until we have had some down time.

I'm feeling really blessed and thankful. Thankful for our new baby who will be here in less than six weeks, thankful for my friends and family, thankful for a gift certificate to get a pedicure, and thankful for health and life. Margin...ahhhh, it feels good. I will try to soak it in these last weeks before our family of four turns into a family of five. Alex starts traveling again in September, but for now, one day at a time.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Meredith's First Haircut

So she's made it a little over two years without having a haircut. It was time to get it trimmed up in the back. She looks so much older to me now. Crazy how cutting a few hairs (and I do literally mean a few) can do that. She was a champ, and we gave her a muffin to keep her focus off what was going on with the scissors.



AFTER....the best shot I could get because she was ready to get down.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Ahhhhh...after several not so great photo attempts, we landed a good one. I really wanted a pic with my kiddos today. I feel blessed to be Oliver and Meredith's mom (and the new little one on the way). The kids and Alex made me a sweet card and we ate pancakes this morning. Our nephew Graham was dedicated at church, so we got to see our extended family too. Now for a nap while everyone else is resting. Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Pregnancy, Trampolines, and Awana

How's that for three random things?

I have reached the 31 week mark with our sweet baby. I am feeling pretty good most days, but getting bigger by the minute and less mobile. I'm thankful for a healthy pregnancy, and that everything is looking good thus far. Oliver and Meredith are getting really excited, and like to kiss the my tummy and talk to her. She will definitely know their voices.

Oliver got a trampoline for his 4th birthday (a little early, so the kids could start enjoying it during this beautiful weather). Both kids have had a blast on it, and they are exhausted by evening. It's a fun thing to share with friends too.

Awana ended for this year, and the last picture is of awards night.